The annual symposium brings together peer-to-peer student sustainability educators/leaders (sometimes called ‘Eco-Reps’) from many different colleges and universities in the Northeast to learn and be inspired by each other for a half-day conference.

The symposium is a set of presentations, workshops, and roundtable discussions by students or regional professionals. The structure of the symposium allows students from different schools to lead sessions on a variety of topics, providing valuable presentation experience as well as facilitating the spread of ideas between schools. Sessions are typically grouped by broad topics, or tracks, such as “engagement,” “building a program,” or “communications.” The symposium fills an important role by showing students that they belong to a larger community of people like themselves who are all working for the same cause of creating a sustainably conscious community at their college or university.

Early bird registration by October 19 is $15.00 per person. Registration on/after October 20 is $20.00 per person. There is a limit of 10 attendees per school. Click Register Now to sign up today!


Registration and Check In:
Amherst Room 10th Floor of the Murray D. Lincoln Campus Center
1 Campus Center Way
Amherst, MA, 01003 

Attendees can either park in the Campus Center Parking Garage for a discounted rate of $6.00/day or can park in a variety of nonrestriced, nonreserved surface lots around campus free of charge. Visit for additional information.


Click here to download the preliminary program.