The Northeast Regional OER Conference Committee is excited to welcome you to the annual Northeast Regional OER Summit, a multi-state collaborative virtual event for new and experienced OER advocates offering the opportunity to learn and share effective practices in awareness building, implementation, collaboration, strategy, and research.

When: Monday, March 3 – Tuesday, March 4, 2025.
: Virtual on Zoom.
: $35.00 for those who register before February 24; $50.00 for those who register after February 24 and to the start of the event; always free for undergraduates. 
Who Should Attend
: People engaged in open education initiatives, including students, faculty, librarians, instructional technologists, administrators and other campus leaders.

Call for Proposals
The Northeast Regional OER Conference Committee invites you to share your ground-breaking ideas, research and best practices in Open Education Resources. UNESCO defines OER as “learning, teaching and research materials in any format and medium that reside in the public domain or are under copyright that have been released under an open license, that permit no-cost access, re-use, re-purpose, adaptation and redistribution by others.” If it is not free for the user, it is not OER. This year our theme is "All Hands on Deck: Exploring Open Education Through Collaboration and Innovation," 

To learn more and submit your proposal, please visit the conference website (additional details coming soon). The deadline for submissions is TBD. 

How to Register
Registration is accepted online: click "Register Now" above to sign up! 

To register you will first need to login to Iris Registration, the online system being used to manage registration for this event. You can do this by creating an account with your email address and a password of your choice, or if you have registered for an event with us in the past 18 months you can sign in using your existing Iris Registration account. Note if your account has been inactive for 18 months you will need to create a new account (for security purposes accounts are removed after 18 months of inactivity). Once you login you will be brought through the the online registration form. If you have any issues completing your registration, please contact UMass Conference Services at or 413-577-8102 for assistance!

Registration is accepted on an individual basis, but you can register multiple attendees under one account. To register multiple attendees click Register Now, create an account/sign in, and complete the registration for the first attendee. Once that registration is completed, click the Home button in the top toolbar to be brought back to the registration summary screen. Click the Create Additional Registration button to add the next attendee, repeating as needed. If you wish to discuss registering a large group, or if you need any assistance signing up, please contact UMass Conference Services at or 413-577-8102.

Interested in registering as a exhibitor? Click here to learn more! 

For additional summit related details please click here.
For assistance completing your registration please contact UMass Conference Services at or 413-577-8102.

Schedule Coming Soon!

Have questions or need assistance? We're happy to help! 
Please contact the UMass Conference Services Team at or 413-577-8102.
Our offices are open Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. - 4 p.m. ET (excluding federal and/or Massachusetts state holidays). When possible, please contact us by email for the quickest assistance. All calls, voicemails and/or emails will be answered as soon as possible during our standard business hours. We look forward to hearing from you!

Breakout Session Descriptions Coming Soon!

Have questions or need assistance? We're happy to help! 
Please contact the UMass Conference Services Team at or 413-577-8102.
Our offices are open Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. - 4 p.m. ET (excluding federal and/or Massachusetts state holidays). When possible, please contact us by email for the quickest assistance. All calls, voicemails and/or emails will be answered as soon as possible during our standard business hours. We look forward to hearing from you!

Frequently Asked Questions
How do I access sessions?
The Northeast OER Summit will be held virtually, Monday, March 3, and Tuesday, March 4. All sessions will be held live on Zoom. Each session will have its own unique link to join, and prior to the event you will receive an email with all the links you will need throughout the event. To access any session open the email from UMass Conference Services the day of the event and click the link corresponding to the session you wish to join. This will open your default web browser, where you can select to launch the Zoom app to join the session. When possible we recommend joining using the Zoom app on a desktop or laptop computer, instead of joining using your browser or using a device such as a phone or tablet. We also anticipate recording sessions, and will provide additional details regarding recordings as the Summit approaches. In preparation for the event, please install Zoom client for meetingssign up for a Zoom account if you don't have one yet, and reach out to UMass Conference Services if you need any assistance ( or 413-577-8102)!

How to I sign up for breakout sessions?
You do not need to sign up for any sessions in advance: all registered attendees will receive links to attend each session, including all keynotes, all workshops, and all concurrent breakouts! Prior to the start of the summit we will email you a schedule with all necessary links, including a reminder each morning of the summit. To join any session open the email from UMass Conference Services the day of the summit, find the session you'd like to attend, and click the corresponding link to join. Note if you attended in 2021 you might remember signing up for specific events and receiving a customized schedule, but this year you don't need to do that - you'll receive all links and can decide day-of what you'd like to attend! After the conclusion of the summit all attendees will also receive links to access all session recordings.

This is my first virtual event. How can I prepare?
We have we put together a whole bunch of information to help you prepare! Please click on the "Virtual Event Tips and Resources" tab above to see our suggestions on how to get the most out of your virtual experience. If you're completely new to Zoom you may also find it helpful to check out our detailed Zoom How-To Guide, as well as our Zoom Cheat Sheet!

What is the difference between a Zoom meeting and webinar?
We anticipate that most Summit sessions will be held as Zoom meetings, while others, such as keynotes, will be held as Zoom webinars. A Zoom meeting is more collaborative and allows attendees to see the videos and names of other participants in the meeting. Attendees can toggle between a few views in a meeting: "Speaker View" shows the active speaker, while "Galley View" displays a gallery of all attendees in the meeting in equal sized boxes (including their video or profile picture). Hosts can also "spotlight" a particular video, which will automatically display it large on the screen of all attendees, or share their screen to show a presentation. Attendees can interact with each other and the host/co-hosts via the chat, by selecting from a variety of "Reactions", or verbally. A Zoom webinar is "view-only" for attendees, and attendees will only see the videos of the hosts and panelists, as well as any presentations or materials displayed during screen sharing. In a webinar attendees can interact with each other and hosts/panelists via the Q&A, chat, and any polling questions, but cannot see the videos of other attendees in the session and can only speak when allowed by the host. 

Will the sessions be recorded?
Yes, we anticipate recording the sessions and making recordings accessible to all registered attendees shortly after the conclusion of the summit! 

If you have any concerns about being part of these recordings, please don't hesitate to contact UMass Conference Services at or 413-577-8102 to discuss how you can avoid having your name or image captured. For any session that runs as a webinar, attendee videos will not be visible during the session or on any recordings. However, if you type a question into the Q&A or use the chat feature, your Zoom display name will be displayed on the recording files. For any session that runs as a meeting, if your video is turned on please note your video will be visible both during the session and on the recording (except during screen share or if a presenter video is spotlighted). If you do not wish to appear on the recording, please keep your video off for the duration of the session. Your Zoom display name will also be visible to others in the meeting and in the recording if you utilize the chat feature or even unmute to talk. You can edit your Zoom display name in the setting section of your Zoom account by logging in here and then clicking "Settings" over on the left. Note you can also edit your Zoom display name while in the session, but it will revert to the Zoom display name on your account for the next session.

When will I receive additional information about the summit?
When you complete your registration you will automatically receive an informational email containing the latest information about the summit. Leading up to the event, you can also expect to hear from us by email with pertinent updates and instructions on how to access virtual programming. Please add our email address ( to your contacts so you don't miss any of these follow-up emails! We're here to help you get the most out of your conference, so if you have any questions or concerns in the meantime, please do not hesitate to reach out to us at or 413-577-8102.

How do I cancel my registration?
If your plans change after registering, please let us know! Cancellations should be submitted in writing to UMass Conference Services:

What should I do if I'm having trouble connecting?
If you're having trouble connecting to your session, it may be because the host has not yet started the session. If you join the session before the host does, you will see a message that says "Waiting for host to start this meeting." In this case, please wait for the host to join, and you should then be brought into the meeting without issue! Sessions may also use the "Waiting Room" feature, which puts you and other attendees into a virtual waiting room until the host and co-host are ready to begin. If this is the case, you will see a message that says "Welcome! Your session will start shortly." You will then be let into the session by the host once they are ready to begin.

If the meeting is in session but you can't connect, don't worry! First, make sure you are connected to the internet. If you have a weak connection, consider moving closer to your router or connecting directly to your router with an ethernet cable. If you are still having issues, close Zoom and reopen the meeting link (we will send you all of the necessary links by email prior to the program). If this doesn't work, we suggest restarting your device and trying again. If you are still having trouble connecting, please reach out to us at so we can further assist you.

Have questions or need assistance? We're happy to help! 
For registration and/or virtual event related assistance, please contact UMass Conference Services at or 413-577-8102.
Our offices are open Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. - 4 p.m. ET (excluding federal and/or Massachusetts state holidays). All calls, voicemails and/or emails will be answered as soon as possible during our standard business hours. We look forward to hearing from you!

New to virtual events?
Don't worry - we've got you covered! We have put together tips and tricks, a Zoom how-to guide, and a Zoom cheat sheet to make your experience as seamless as possible. Please review the information below and contact us at or 413-577-8102 if we can be of any assistance. 

Prepare Before the Event
Check Your Internet Connection 

To get the most out of any virtual event, it is important to use reliable internet. If possible, ask others in your home to stay off of the internet when you are in a session to minimize the devices connected to your network. If your wireless internet frequently lags, kicks you off, or is generally unreliable, try to use a wired connection right from your computer into your router, and keep your camera off as much as possible. You could also see if there is somewhere else you can go for internet access, such as the home of a family member or friend, a library, or a local café. Unsure about your internet speed and reliability? Do a quick test of your internet speed on Google! This test will let you know your internet speed and how well it can handle multiple devices connected at the same time, video conferencing, and more. 

Download Zoom and Create an Account 
All Summit sessions, including both meetings and webinars, will be held live on Zoom, a web conferencing platform that you can download and use for free. To use Zoom, first visit their website and click the "Download" button under Zoom Client for Meetings. We recommend downloading Zoom onto a device with a larger screen, such as a laptop or desktop computer, instead of using your phone or tablet. In addition to downloading Zoom, you will need to create a Zoom account if you do not yet have one. You can create an account by downloading Zoom and then opening the Zoom app. This will bring you to a login screen, and on the bottom right you can click the "Sign up for Free" button. You can also create an account by visiting their sign-up webpage here. It's a relatively easy process to download Zoom and create an account, but it does take a few minutes, so make sure to do this before the start of the summit! If you are unable to download Zoom you can instead join sessions from your browser, but we do recommend joining using the Zoom app when possible.

Choose Your Device Carefully 
If you have multiple devices, we recommend downloading Zoom onto the one with the largest screen, such as a laptop or desktop computer, so that you can easily see what is going on. When possible, we don't recommend using your phone as it will be difficult to see what is happening on such a small screen, plus phone calls, emails, and text messages could be distracting. The features and functionalities of the mobile version of Zoom are also slightly different, so please note that our guide and cheat sheet are not fully applicable to the mobile or tablet version. 

Practice with Zoom 
If you are new to Zoom, we recommend taking advantage of some of the many resources available to familiarize yourself with how to use it! We have created a detailed Zoom how-to guide, as well as a Zoom cheat sheet for your reference. You can also practice on your own by joining a test Zoom meeting here, or checking out some of Zoom's beginner tutorials here. If you have any questions or need a little more support, please don't hesitate to contact us - we're more than happy to help you get squared away (! 

Create a Comfortable Space 
Find an area of your home where you will be comfortable, and ideally one that is private to minimize distractions. Arrange a comfortable chair in front of your screen. Set your screen up on a table, stand, or desk. Have everything you need, like a drink, snacks, and/or notepad and writing utensil, within reach. If you decide to have your camera on, consider the camera angle and the background your colleagues and fellow attendees will see, and perhaps rearrange or spruce up the space a bit. During the meeting, remove distractions and background noises by closing the doors and windows to your space, silencing your phone, and asking your family or housemates to be mindful of when you will be attending sessions. 

During the Event
Get Ready for Your Session 

One of the best ways to combat "Zoom fatigue" is to prepare yourself and your space in advance, and to get mentally and physically ready day-of. Consider stretching or going for a walk before sessions start. Brew a fresh cup of coffee or tea, fill up a water bottle, grab a notepad and pen, and give yourself at least 15 minutes to get your device up and running. Setup your space in the days leading up to the meeting (see the "Create a Comfortable Space" section above) and have anything that you might need during the session close by - you don't want to miss anything because you have to go grab some supplies or a drink! If you decide to leave your camera on, keep in mind the presenter and other meeting attendees will be able to see you, so make sure you and your background are camera ready. Lastly, silence your phone, close out of your email, minimize any other distractions, and enjoy your session! 

Take Advantage of Time In-Between Sessions 
The Summit will be full of great sessions, but nonetheless it can be helpful to rest, recharge, and enjoy some screen-free time when the schedule allows. Review the schedule to get a sense of when you will have some breaks or blocks of down time, and take advantage of these! When you have a break, try to get up and stretch. For longer breaks, consider taking a short walk to get some fresh air and recharge. These are also great chances to replenish any supplies, drinks, or snacks in preparation for the next session!

Have questions or need assistance? We're happy to help! 
For registration and/or virtual event related assistance, please contact UMass Conference Services at or 413-577-8102.
Our offices are open Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. - 4 p.m. ET (excluding federal and/or Massachusetts state holidays). All calls, voicemails and/or emails will be answered as soon as possible during our standard business hours. We look forward to hearing from you!

For Summit Related Questions:
Please visit the Northeast OER Summit website.

For Registration, Payment, and/or Virtual Event Related Questions:
Please contact UMass Conference Services at or 413-577-8102.