General Description of WSS
Come build solidarity and strengthen the resistance! / ¡Ven a construir la solidaridad y a fortalecer la resistencia!
Join women leaders and activists from labor unions and worker organizations throughout the Northeast for this comprehensive, bi-lingual (Spanish and English) four-day leadership institute. Participate in skills building workshops, cultural activities, political action and education sessions designed to expand our understanding of solidarity and deepen our ability to resist oppression. Summer school instructors are officers, staff, and labor educators from unions, community organizations and universities.

Únete a mujeres líderes y activistas de sindicatos y organizaciones de trabajadores de todo el Nordeste para este instituto de liderazgo integral y bilingüe (español e inglés) de cuatro días de duración. Participa en talleres de desarrollo de habilidades, actividades culturales, acciones políticas y sesiones de educación diseñadas para ampliar nuestra comprensión de lo que es la solidaridad, y así profundizar nuestra capacidad de resistir la opresión. Las instructoras de la Escuela de Verano son oficiales, personal y educadoras laborales de sindicatos, organizaciones comunitarias y universidades.

Registration Information  /  Información de Registro
The cost to attend is $820: includes tuition, materials, meals, and dorm housing in suites of four singles and two bathrooms. Commuter cost is $480: includes tuition, materials and lunch and dinner each day.

Registration deadline is July 19, 2024. Registrations canceled prior to July 20, 2024 will be charged a $60 cancellation fee. Registrations canceled after July 20th will not be refunded at all. 

El costo para asistir es de $820: incluye matrícula, materiales, comidas y dormitorios en suites de cuatro recamaras y dos baños. El costo para viajera suburbana es de $480: incluye matrícula, materiales, almuerzo y cena cada día.

La fecha límite de inscripción es el 19 de julio de 2024. A las inscripciones canceladas antes del 12 de julio se les cobrará una cuota de cancelación de $60. Las inscripciones canceladas después del 20 de julio no serán reembolsadas en lo absoluto. 

Scholarship Information  /  Información de becas
A limited number of partial scholarships are available for women whose unions or organizations do not offer sufficient financial support to attend. For more information and an application form Scholarships will be considered on a rolling basis.

Un número limitado de becas parciales están disponibles para las mujeres cuyos sindicatos u organizaciones no ofrecen el apoyo financiero suficiente para asistir. Para más información y un formulario de solicitud visite

Have questions or need assistance? We're happy to help!
Please contact UMass Conference Services at or 413-577-8102.
Our office is open Monday through Friday from 8AM - 4PM ET (excluding federal and/or Massachusetts state holidays). All calls, voicemails and/or emails will be answered as soon as possible during our standard business hours. We look forward to hearing from you!

The Union Women’s Summer Schools began in the Northeast Region in the late 1970s and expanded to the Midwest, Western and Southern Districts of the United States. Their conception was rooted in the traditions of early worker education as exemplified by the Bryn Mawr summer schools for Women Workers of the 1920’s and the Works Progress Administration worker education programs of the 1930’s. Courses of study were tailored to the needs and interests of working people. Barbara Wertheimer, Director of Cornell’ Institute of Women and Work, introduced the idea to colleagues in the University and College Labor Education Association (precursor to the UALE). Encouraged by the rising feminist movement and the founding of the Coalition of Labor Union Women, the UCLEA launched its first school in 1975 at the University of Connecticut. Designed by a committee of labor educators, the residential schools bring together women workers, officers and staff of unions and workers organizations to strengthen their knowledge of the labor movement and develop skills which will enable them to become more active and influential in their organizations. The schools are a place where women workers can share experiences and give one another support. As Gloria Johnson, past President of CLUW and frequent speaker at the schools’ graduations ceremonies pointed out, “We have to create “old girls” networks to be able to support each other and advance.” The schools contribute to this objective, as evidenced by the record of participants. Since 1975, the schools have educated thousands, many of whom have become leaders of their unions.

Las Escuelas de Verano para Mujeres de Sindicatos empezaron en la región noreste a finales de los 1970 y expandieron a las regiones medio oeste, oeste, y sur de los Estados Unidos. La idea fue basada en las tradiciones de educación para trabajadores, ejemplificado por las escuelas de verano de Bryan Mawr por trabajadoras en los 1920 y los programas de educación para trabajadores como parte de la administración de trabajo y progreso (Works Progress Administration) en los 1930. Los cursos estaban diseñados por las necesidades e intereses de trabajadores. Barbara Wertheimer, director del Instituto de Cornell para Mujeres y Trabajo, introdujo la idea a sus colegas en la Asociación de Universidades para Educación para Trabajadores (el precursor al UALE). Animado por el movimiento creciente feminista y la fundación de la Coalición de Mujeres en Sindicatos, el UCLEA lanzó su primera escuela en 1975 en la Universidad de Connecticut. Diseñado por un comité de educadores laborales, las escuelas residenciales reúnen trabajadoras, oficiales, y personal de sindicatos y organizaciones de trabajadores para fortalecer su sabiduría del movimiento y desarrollar las habilidades que las activan ser más active e influyente en sus organizaciones. En las escuelas, mujeres pueden compartir experiencias y apoyan una u otra. Gloria Johnson, expresidente de CLUW y orador frecuente en las ceremonias de graduación de las escuelas, dijo, “Necesitamos una red de mujeres para apoyarnos y avanzar.” Las escuelas contribuyen a este objetivo, evidenciada por el récord de los participantes. Desde 1975, las escuelas han educado miles de mujeres, y muchos de ellos llegaron a ser líderes de sus sindicatos.

Have questions or need assistance? We're happy to help!
Please contact UMass Conference Services at or 413-577-8102.
Our office is open Monday through Friday from 8AM - 4PM ET (excluding federal and/or Massachusetts state holidays). All calls, voicemails and/or emails will be answered as soon as possible during our standard business hours. We look forward to hearing from you!

All participants will choose from workshops designed to improve leadership skills and capacities. Multi-day workshops will be offered to allow for in-depth learning experiences and practical application. The courses are designed to promote development of self and relationships; organizational leadership; how labor’s values and issues intersect; member engagement, and an understanding of the economic and political forces shaping today’s labor movement. Summer school instructors are intergenerational pairs of union officers, staff, and labor educators from universities, unions and worker organizations. Throughout the week, experts on current labor issues share their knowledge and wisdom as guest speakers. Evening activities provide opportunities to network and have fun!

Todas las participantes eligen entre talleres diseñadas para mejorar las habilidades y capacidades de líderes. Ofrecen talleres de múltiples días para experiencias profundas y aplicación práctica. Los cursos son diseñados para promover autodesarrollo y desarrollo de relaciones; liderazgo de organizaciones; la intersección de los valores y temas de labor; participación de los miembros; y comprensión de las fuerzas políticas y económicas que forma el movimiento laboral de hoy. Los instructores de la escuela de verano son parejas intergeneracionales de oficiales de sindicatos, personal, y educadores de universidades, sindicatos y organizaciones de trabajadores. Durante la semana, expertos de temas de cuestiones laborales actuales compartirán su sabiduría como oradores invitados. ¡En las noches será oportunidades para conectar y divertirse!


Workshop Descriptions
All participants will take a Leadership Skills class and then select ONE Workshop A and ONE Workshop B.

Workshop A: Building Solidarity and Developing Resistance

Fighting United: Steps for Building & Working in Successful Coalitions
This workshop will examine the nuts and bolts of building strategic and respectful partnerships across diverse organizations, with different interests, values, and goals. Together we will analyze a few successful coalition campaigns to parse out lessons learned for the future.

Organizing Never Stops: Effective Strategies for Building Power
This workshop will focus on organizing in your workplace – including forming an internal committee, identifying organizing targets, defining issues to mobilize around, educating around issues, and moving to action. We will share ideas and strategies for engaging in effective one-on-one conversations and building organizational strength.

Building Power through Bargaining
This workshop will focus on the skills and strategies for building power through collective bargaining. Participants will examine the negotiation process as an ongoing method for resolving workplace disputes and building power in the workplace.

Organizing for Racial Justice
Racism is one of the major barriers to solidarity and working people’s power in the U.S. During this workshop we will explore U.S. history and racist policies that have continually oppressed and divided working people and identify steps we can as unionists and activists organize for racial justice.

Unpacking the Gig Economy
In this workshop, we’ll unpack the gig economy: who it helps and who it harms. We examine how the forces behind the platform economy are redefining workers' rights and labor standards around the country and how workers and communities are fighting back.

Work Shouldn't Hurt: Safety And Health on The Job
All workers should have a job they can come home from without injury or illness. This workshop will teach core health and safety skills and knowledge relevant to any occupation. Time will also be spent discussing workplace violence, bullying, and the increasing impact of climate change on worker safety and health.

Women in the Trades: Making History, Building Power
This workshop will focus on the challenges facing women in non-traditional jobs and ways to build power and leadership.

Labor and Climate
This workshop will examine the current and future impact climate change has on our communities and workplaces. Together we will strategize ways our organizations can work together and organize towards a just transition to healthier and more sustainable communities.

Grievance Handling for Building Resistance
This workshop will examine the basic principles of grievance handling and discuss how grievances can be used as an organizing tool to build power.

Workshop B: Skills for Resistance and Activism

Creative Disruption: Designing Winning Actions!
This workshop will explore the art of creative disruption. We will examine the strategies and steps in planning actions that are engaging, effective and build power.

Mobilizing for Direct Action:
Moving people to act is an essential part of organizing. In this workshop, we will discuss different mobilization tactics and techniques for both workplace/contract campaigns and social justice issues. We will strategize how to effect change by moving those around us to action!

Speaking Up! Speaking Out: The Art of Public Speaking!
This workshop will give you the tools and tips for speaking with more confidence and power. We will discuss how to organize your thoughts, calm your nerves, and practice communicating a strong message!

Social Media Strategies: Amplifying Your Campaign Online
This workshop will focus on using social media to inspire, mobilize, and proudly showcase your organization’s strength. During the session, we will discuss strategies for framing messages, targeting audiences, and leveraging social media analytics to amplify the reach and impact of your stories.

Our Legal Rights to Resist
As we find ourselves and our unions and organizations called up more frequently to stand up and fight back we need to know what rights we have to resist.

Working with the Media
How do we get our actions and issues covered by the traditional print, TV, and radio media? How do we build relationships with media workers to make this task easier?

Healing Justice Arts!
We will use movement, music, poetry, and sing-along songs to explore healing as part of our freedom struggle. Participants will learn techniques they can use for themselves or use with others.

The UALE Northeast Summer School for Women in Unions and Worker Organizations strives to be a safe and inclusive learning environment for all students and instructors alike. We adhere to the following principles of unity:
     ● To respect each other's race, religion, national origin, age, sex, gender expression and identity, immigrant status, sexual orientation, political affiliation, and language. 
     ● To communicate in class and during the summer school with awareness that: 
o Life experiences and perceptions vary; be mindful of what you say and how you say it.
               o What you mean to say, with the best of intentions, may not always be interpreted that way by others.
               o Giving constructive feedback promotes respectful dialogue.
               o Being open to hearing constructive feedback promotes understanding.

La Escuela de Verano para Mujeres en Sindicatos y Organizaciones de Trabajadores de UALE Noreste trata de ser un ambiente de aprendizaje Seguro e inclusivo para estudiantes e instructores. Nos adherimos a los siguientes principales de unidad:
     ● respetar la raza, religión, origen nacional, edad, sexo, expresión e identidad de género, estatus migratorio, orientación sexual, afiliación política, e idioma.
     ● comunicarse en clase y durante la escuela de verano consciente que:
               ○ las experiencias de vidas y perspectivas varían; sea consciente de lo que diga y como lo diga
               ○ lo que quiere decir, con buenas intenciones, a veces será interpretado diferentemente por otras
               ○ dar retroalimentación constructiva promueve diálogo respetuoso
               ○ ser abierta a escuchar retroalimentación constructiva promueve comprensión

Covid Policy/Politica de Covid:
1. Guests to the university will no longer be required to show proof of vaccination or negative COVID test. Group representatives will no longer be required to attest to the vaccination status of their participants.
2. Face Coverings are not required in academic or administrative settings. Wearing a face covering is required of all faculty, staff, students, and visitors in all clinical settings. While masking is optional in academic and administrative settings, we do encourage it.

Women’s Summer School Position

In solidarity with those of us that are at higher risk, we ask all participants to consider wearing masks during the group activities. Masks and tests will be provided at the Women's Summer School. Further direction will be available prior to the start of the school. We are working on eating arrangements for those that need distance. More details to follow.

Política de COVID de la Universidad de Massachusetts: hemos recibido realizaciones de la Universidad de Rutgers en marzo de 2023. Si la universidad realiza la política antes del inicio de la escuela de verano, notificaremos todos los participantes y poner la información aquí. Pero hemos recibido confirmación que la siguiente política será en efecto para la duración de nuestra conferencia de verano.
1. Visitantes a la universidad no necesita mostrar prueba de vacuna ni una prueba negativa de COVID. Representantes del grupo no necesitan confirmar el estatus de vacuna de sus participantes.
2. Cubrebocas no son requeridas en ámbitos administrativos ni académicos, pero en ámbitos clínicos, sí. Usando un cubrebocas es opcional, pero la alentamos.

Posición de la escuela de verano para mujeres:

En solidaridad con las que tienen más riesgo, pedimos que todas las participantes consideren usar cubrebocas durante las actividades de grupo. La Escuela de Verano para Mujeres ofrecerá cubrebocas y pruebas. Más información estará disponible antes del inicio de la escuela. Estamos trabajando en logísticas para los que quieren distancia cuando están comiendo. Más detalles seguirán. 

Have questions or need assistance? We're happy to help!
Please contact UMass Conference Services at or 413-577-8102.
Our office is open Monday through Friday from 8AM - 4PM ET (excluding federal and/or Massachusetts state holidays). All calls, voicemails and/or emails will be answered as soon as possible during our standard business hours. We look forward to hearing from you!

Driving to Campus   
From the South, via I-91 North
Travelers have a choice of two routes:

  • Take Exit 25 in Northampton: From the exit ramp, stay in the right lane to take the first rotary exit, turning right onto Route 9. Travel approximately 4.5 miles to Route 116 North. Turn left onto 116 and go one mile to the UMass exit. Stay to the right as you exit to merge onto Massachusetts Avenue. Stay in the left lane and take a left at the second intersection onto Commonwealth Avenue (the first set of lights is only a blinking yellow light, take a left at the next set of lights). Stay in the right lane and continue on Commonwealth Avenue until you reach a set of traffic lights. At these lights turn onto Campus Center Way. Stay to the left and travel up the hill - you will see the garage entrance on your right. 
  • Take Exit 36 in Deerfield: At the stop sign at the top of the ramp, turn right (north) onto Routes U.S. 5/10/116, and immediately turn right again at the traffic lights onto Route 116 South. Follow Route 116 South for eight miles to the UMass exit. Turn left at the stop sign onto Massachusetts Avenue. Stay in the left lane and take a left at the second intersection onto Commonwealth Avenue (the first set of lights is only a blinking yellow light, take a left at the next set of lights). Stay in the right lane and continue on Commonwealth Avenue until you reach a set of traffic lights. At these lights turn onto Campus Center Way. Stay to the left and travel up the hill - you will see the garage entrance on your right.

From the North, via I-91 South
Follow I-93 to I-495 South. Follow to Route 2 West. Continue on Route 2 to U.S. 202 South. Follow for about 15 miles to the blinking light at the Pelham exit marked “Route 9 and 116 Amherst.” Turn right and follow for seven miles to Amherst center. Turn right onto North Pleasant Street. Stay on North Pleasant Street (you will need to turn left twice to remain on North Pleasant Street, - follow signs to the UMass Campus). As you enter campus you will come to a set of lights. Stay to the left to turn onto Massachusetts Avenue. Follow Massachusetts Avenue through campus until you come to a set of lights. At the lights take a right onto Commonwealth Avenue. Continue on Commonwealth Avenue until you reach a set of traffic lights. Turn right onto Campus Center Way. Stay to the left and go up the hill. You will see the garage entrance up the hill on your right.

From the North, via I-93 South
Follow I-93 to I-495 South. Follow to Route 2 West. Continue on Route 2 to U.S. 202 South. Follow for about 15 miles to the blinking light at the Pelham exit marked “Route 9 and 116 Amherst.” Turn right and follow for seven miles to Amherst center. Follow signs to UMass.

From the East or West, via I-90
Travelers have a choice of four routes:

  • Off Exit 63 (Palmer/Ware): Follow Route 32 South to Palmer; take Route 20 West to Route 181 North into Belchertown, and then Route 9 West to Amherst. Follow signs to UMass.
  • Off Exit 54 (Ludlow): Follow Route 21 North to U.S. 202 North to Route 9 West to Amherst center. Follow signs to UMass.
  • Off Exit 49 (Chicopee): Follow Route 33 North to Route 116 North to Amherst center. Turn left at the light onto Route 9 West. Follow signs to UMass. 
  • Off Exit 45 (West Springfield): I-91 North to Exit 25 to Route 9 East to Amherst. Follow signs to UMass.

Traveling by Plane
If you are traveling to Amherst by plane, the closest airport is Bradley International Airport in Windsor Locks, Connecticut (near Hartford). This airport is approximately 45 miles (about a 50 minute drive) from the UMass campus. From Bradley attendees will need to book a shuttle service or rent a car to get to campus (see the transportation options below). 

Attendees may find additional flight options into Logan International Airport in Boston, located approximately 95 miles (about a 2 - 2.5 hour drive) from the UMass campus. While more flight options are typically available into Logan, please remember to account for extra travel time to campus. Please also be sure to organize transportation to/from the airport to campus in advance of your arrival. From Logan attendees may book one of the shuttle services below, rent a car, or travel by Peter Pan Bus. Click here for Peter Pan bus ticket purchase details and scheduling. To ensure appropriate bus service to/from campus please select "Boston (Logan Airport), MA" as your "From:" destination and "Amherst UMass, MA" as your "To:" destination. 

Transportation Services 
Shuttle services and/or rental cars should be arranged prior to your travel. Please note there are no standing shuttles that run each day between Bradley/Logan and the UMass campus so additional arrangements must be made in advance.

Traveling by Bus
Amherst and the surrounding area are serviced by Peter Pan Bus LinesGreyhound and the Pioneer Valley Transit Authority (PVTA). The most convenient service is offered by Peter Pan, so when possible those traveling by bus should book a Peter Pan bus ticket using "Amherst UMass, MA" as the destination (note the "Amherst Center, MA" stop is in downtown Amherst and will require additional travel to arrive on campus). Greyhound offers bus service to nearby Northampton, MA, located about a 20 minute drive from campus. From Northampton attendees should plan to travel to campus via a taxi service, Uber/Lyft, or PVTA bus.

Traveling by Train
Amtrak provides passenger rail service to nearby Northampton, MA, located a 20 minute drive from the UMass campus, and Springfield, MA, located a 30 minute drive from the UMass campus. For schedule information and to purchase tickets, visit Amtrak's website and select "Northampton, MA (NHT)" or "Springfield, MA (SPG)" as your arrival destination.

If you take a train to Northampton, MA, you will then need to take either a bus or taxi to the UMass campus. Both PVTA and Peter Pan buses service the area, but the bus stops are not located at the train platform and will require about a 7 minute walk. If you prefer, you may use one of the many local taxi services or Uber/Lyft. We encourage you to carefully plan your trip - including bus or taxi services - prior to your arrival as the Northampton train platform is not a train station and phone access, area maps, bus schedules, and bus tickets will not be available once you arrive. If you decide to take a train out of Northampton, remember to purchase your return ticket online prior to arriving at the platform. The train platform is located at 170 Pleasant Street in Northampton, MA.

If you take a train to Springfield, MA, we recommend booking a shuttle service, such as Valley Transporter, to get you from Springfield to Amherst. Bus services, including Peter Pan, are also available, but will require about a 15 minute walk from the train station to the bus stop. The train will arrive at Springfield Union Station building, located at 55 Frank B Murray St. in Springfield, MA. This station building does have a waiting room, ticket office, quik-trak kiosk, and payphone, but we do still encourage you to plan your trip, including services from the train station to campus, prior to your arrival.

Getting Around Campus & the Area
There are multiple transportation options to get you from campus to amenities and attractions in the surrounding area. Amherst center, with local shops, restaurants, and small convenience stores, is a 15 - 20 minute walk or 5 minute drive from campus. If you find you need to visit a grocery store, large retail store, or pharmacy during your stay, numerous options are located on University Drive and Russell Street (also known as Route 9) in neighboring Hadley, about a 5 - 10 minute trip from campus by car or bus. Retailers include CVS, Big Y, Stop and Shop, Whole Foods, Trader Joes, Target, Walmart, JC Penney, Marshalls, and more.

Local buses, operated by the Pioneer Valley Transit Authority (PVTA), run regularly between Amherst center and the University, with additional services traveling throughout the Pioneer Valley, including Northampton, Springfield, and Greenfield. If you'd rather take a car, UMass has partnered with Zipcar and Enterprise to bring on-demand car sharing services right to campus. The area is also serviced by a variety of cab companies, including UberLyftTaxi Express, Tik Tak Taxi (413-256-4500) and Celebrity Cab (413-253-7330). There are also a number of bicycle rentals around campus, including Laughing Dog Bicycles, and Hampshire Bicycle Exchange

The conference also provides complimentary shuttles for our attendees. These shuttles run from the Campus Center to the Dining Commons, and continue on to the Courtyard by Marriott Hadley Amherst located on Route 9 in Hadley, MA. Additional details will be available as the conference approaches and a full shuttle schedule will be provided to you upon arrival.

Have questions or need assistance? We're happy to help!
Please contact UMass Conference Services at or 413-577-8102.
Our office is open Monday through Friday from 8AM - 4PM ET (excluding federal and/or Massachusetts state holidays). All calls, voicemails and/or emails will be answered as soon as possible during our standard business hours. We look forward to hearing from you!

Amherst and the surrounding area are full of many hotels, motels and bed & breakfasts. The independently operated Hotel UMass is located right in the heart of campus just an elevator ride away from many conference sessions and events, while a variety of hotel chains offer their familiar comforts a short 5 - 10 minute drive from campus on Route 9/Russell Street in neighboring Hadley. We recommend attendees stay at either Hotel UMass or Courtyard by Marriott as there will be shuttle service to the conference to/from these 2 hotels, but you may click here or see below for a full listing of area lodging options.

North Apartments (on-campus) - Included in the Registration Fee
Check-in Monday, August 5, check-out Friday, August 9 (4 nights, linen included). Instructors may select to arrive on Sunday, August 4th. 
Located on campus within a 10 - 15 minute walk of conference activities, the air-conditioned North Apartments are a very popular and convenient housing option for our summer guests. A single-occupancy bedroom will be reserved during the conference registration process for the nights of Monday, August 5, through Thursday, August 8, checking-out Friday, August 9. If you wish to stay outside of these dates please contact UMass Conference Services at 413-577-8102 or to inquire about availability and fee.  

Each North Apartment consists of four single occupancy bedrooms, two bathrooms, a common living area and a kitchen, accommodating a total of 4 guests. Each lockable bedroom is furnished with a twin bed, desk, chair, and bureau. A linen pack containing two flat sheets, a pillow with case, two towels and a thin blanket is included. The kitchen has a full-sized refrigerator, microwave, and stove-top oven. If you are interested in preparing some of your meals in the suite, you should bring supplies or purchase some upon your arrival: silverware, cookware and plates are not provided. Toiletries are also not included.  Complimentary parking will be available in Lot 44, a large surface lot located adjacent to the North Residential Area. Those who stay in North will be housed in an apartment with other conference attendees: guests can enter specific suitemate requests during the registration process or can provide their gender to be assigned to a gender specific suite. If you have any additional housing requests, including accessibility needs, please enter those during registration so we can best accommodate you! Note: cancellations received by July 12, 2024, will be assessed a one-night cancellation fee; cancellations after July 12, 2024, will be ineligible for a refund.

Check-in will likely begin around 2PM on Monday, August 5, with check-out likely by 2PM on Friday, August 9. Check-in and check-out will be available right in the lobby of your assigned building, which will be sent closer to the conference start date.

If you wish to learn more about the North Apartments please contact UMass Conference Services at 413-577-8102 or

Hotel UMass (on-campus)
$179 per room, per night (plus applicable fees)
Seated in the center of the picturesque UMass Amherst campus, Hotel UMass blends a tranquil countryside escape with the bustling energy of campus life, making it your ideal destination when staying in the area. Located in the Campus Center just an elevator ride from meeting spaces and amenities, including the University Store and several dining options, Hotel UMass offers unbeatable convenience for a discounted conference rate of $179.00/night (plus applicable fees, currently 6% plus $1.00 per room, per night). 

Space fills fast and this discounted rate will expire on July 8, 2024, so early reservations are strongly encouraged. To complete a reservation, click on You will be directed to the NE Summer School for Women in Unions and Workers Orgs hotel room reservation page. The default date is the start of the conference, but you can change the date to your arrival date if different. Enter the number of nights,  number of guests and click on "Book Now". A new page will load and you will get a list of rooms available for you to select from with the discounted rate already applied. Click on "Book Now" to select your room, a new window will open to put in all your information and take your payment. Note reservations are available online only: if you call to complete a reservation you will be directed to book online. However, if you wish to stay outside of the dates reserved by the conference, please call the hotel front desk for further assistance (413-549-6000). 

Note: payment for your stay at Hotel UMass must be made separately from your registration payment.

Additional Area Accommodations
We strongly recommend attendees stay at Hotel UMass or the Courtyard by Marriott if possible: both hotels are very convenient options, and both are serviced by conference shuttle services to make your visit here a breeze. However, if space has filled or you prefer to stay elsewhere, the Amherst area is filled with many other hotels, motels and bed & breakfasts. A variety of hotel chains offer their familiar comforts just a short 5 - 10 minute drive from the UMass Campus on Route 9/Russell Street in neighboring Hadley, while charming independent inns and B&Bs dot the area, offering a true taste of Pioneer Valley living. Below are some popular lodging options, including the estimated drive time to the Campus Center. Looking for something a little more unique? Click here for more options courtesy of the Five College Area Bed and Breakfast Association. 


  • Hotel UMass: rated the best hotel in Amherst and the most convenient lodging option for our campus guests; 91 Campus Center Way, Amherst; click here to book now. (on-campus). Discounted conference rate available. 
  • Amherst Airbnb: over 8,000 guest reviews for places to stay in Amherst with an average of 4.8 out of 5 stars; click here for available rooms and homes
  • Black Walnut Inn: ranked #1 of 14 Amherst B&B and Inns; 1184 North Pleasant Street, Amherst; click here or call 413-549-5649 (8 minutes)
  • Inn on Boltwood: a historic Amherst hotel with 49 unique guest rooms; 30 Boltwood Avenue, Amherst; click here or call 413-256-8200 (10 minutes)
  • University Lodge: a budget friendly motel just 1,000 feet from campus; 345 North Pleasant Street, Amherst; click here or call 413-256-8111 (6 minutes)


  • Courtyard Marriott: centrally located hotel with an indoor pool, fitness center, and a newly renovated lobby with evening bar service and dinner menu; 423 Russell Street, Hadley; click here or call 413-256-5454 (8 minutes).
  • Hampton Inn: provides a mix of value, comfort and convenience, with free hot breakfast, indoor pool and fitness center; 24 Bay Road, Hadley; click here or call 413-586-4851 (16 minutes)
  • Homewood Suites by Hilton: offers studio, one-bedroom and two-bedroom suites (including kitchenettes) and free hot breakfast; 340 Russell Street, Hadley; click here or call 413-387-0583 (15 minutes)
  • Howard Johnson by Wyndham: conveniently located and pet friendly hotel with free continental breakfast, fitness center, and outdoor pool; 401 Russell Street, Hadley; click here or call 413-586-0114 (10 minutes)
  • Comfort Inn & Suites: indoor hot tub, oversized vehicle parking, business center; 400 Russell Street, Hadley; click here or call 413-341-1556 (12 minutes)


  • Deerfield Inn: historic hotel with excellent restaurant and tavern; 81 Old Main Street, Deerfield MA; click here or call 413-774-5587 (27 minutes)
  • Red Roof PLUS+: easily accessible budget hotel with indoor pool close to Deerfield attractions; 9 Greenfield Road, South Deerfield; click here or call 937-328-1610 (19 minutes)


  • Fairfield Inn and Suites: new state-of-the-art hotel located a short walk to downtown Northampton; 115A Conz Street, Northampton; click here or call 413-587-9800 (22 minutes)
  • Hotel Northampton: historic hotel in downtown Northampton with two award-winning restaurants; 36 King Street, Northampton; click here or call 800-547-3529 (22 minutes)
  • The Ellery: colonial-style hotel in downtown Northampton with newly renovated rooms and lobby; 259 Elm Street, Northampton; click here or call 413-584-7660 (25 minutes)
  • Quality Inn & Suites: a well-appointed and conveniently located hotel with free hot breakfast, indoor heated pool, and fitness center; click here or call 413-341-1461 (21 minutes)

Have questions or need assistance? We're happy to help!
Please contact UMass Conference Services at or 413-577-8102.
Our office is open Monday through Friday from 8AM - 4PM ET (excluding federal and/or Massachusetts state holidays). All calls, voicemails and/or emails will be answered as soon as possible during our standard business hours. We look forward to hearing from you!

Conference Location
The summer school will be held at the University of Massachusetts Amherst. Sessions on Monday through Friday will be held in a variety of meeting rooms located in the Campus Center. Meals will be held in the Campus Center and at one of our Dining Commons. On-campus lodging is available in North Residence. The Campus Center and attached Campus Center Parking Garage are located at 91 Campus Center Way, Amherst MA 01003. The Worcester Dining Commons (subject to change during summer) is located at 667 N. Pleasant Street, Amherst MA 01003. The North Residence is located at 52 - 58 Eastman Lane, Amherst MA 01003. Click here to view a campus map.

Additional arrival details will be sent as the summer school approaches.  

The most convenient parking option is the Campus Center Parking Garage, where there is a flat walkway right in the Campus Center on Level 2. For those with a reserved accessible plate or placard, reserved accessible spots are available Level 2, but all guests must pay to park in the garage. The closest complimentary accessible parking can be found near Hasbrouck Laboratory: visit the UMass Parking Map and search for "Handicapped Spaces" in the box on the upper left side to view available options.

Campus Center Parking Garage
For GPS purposes, the Campus Center Parking Garage is located at 91 Campus Center Way, Amherst, MA, 01003. Click here to obtain turn-by-turn directions from your location

Campus Center Way is off of Commonwealth Avenue. After turning onto Campus Center Way stay to the left to go up the hill. You will see the garage entrance towards the top of the hill on your right. After taking an entry ticket proceed to park, taking your entry ticket with you. We recommend driving down to park on Level 2. There is a flat walkway into the Campus Center on Level 2, to the right of the Parking Services office. Upon entering the Campus Center stay to the left to walk through the concourse, where you will find elevators across from the information desk. For those checking into Hotel UMass, travel to the 3rd floor hotel lobby after 3PM. For those arriving for campus programming, follow signs to the Marriott Center located on the 11th floors (signs will help direct you upon your arrival). 

A discounted parking coupon for the Campus Center Parking Garage will be available at registration. As you leave each day, but before you get to your car, stop at one of the garage pay stations (located on levels 2, 3 and 4). Insert your gate ticket and, when prompted, scan the parking coupon you received at registration. This will discount your parking to $6.50 or less depending on how long you have been parked in the garage. Submit payment and wait for the machine to return your now validated gate ticket. Return to your car, drive to the garage exit, and enter your validated gate ticket into the exit kiosk to raise the gate. Repeat this process as you leave each day. Note your gate ticket will only be validated for 15 minutes after you submit payment: only complete this process as you are leaving for the day.

Accessible Parking
Attendees with a valid state-issued reserved accessible license plate or placard may park in any marked Handicap Space or any nonrestricted, nonreserved space or lot, at no charge, as long as your plate or placard is clearly displayed at all times during your stay. To locate reserved accessible parking, visit the UMass Parking Map and search for "Handicapped Spaces" in the box in the upper left side of the page. Accessible spaces are marked with an "H" in a blue circle. In the Campus Center, reserved accessible spaces are located on level 2, nearest to the Campus Center entrance, but note all guests must pay to park in the Campus Center Parking Garage. The closest complimentary accessible parking near the Campus Center can be found near Hasbrouck Laboratory. For GPS purposes, Lot 64 is located at 666 N. Pleasant Street, Amherst MA.

Have questions or need assistance? We're happy to help!
Please contact UMass Conference Services at or 413-577-8102.
Our office is open Monday through Friday from 8AM - 4PM ET (excluding federal and/or Massachusetts state holidays). All calls, voicemails and/or emails will be answered as soon as possible during our standard business hours. We look forward to hearing from you!

For Registration and/or General Conference Questions:
Contact UMass Conference Services at 413-577-8102 or

For Questions about the Conference:
Contact the organizers at